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Wings of Brotherhood-II

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Students exchange program between the University of Jaffna and the University of Ruhuna named ‘Wings of Brotherhood’’ phase II organized by the Social Reconciliation Center, Department of Sociology and the Cultural Center, University of Ruhuna in collaboration with the Office for National Unity and Reconciliation (ONUR), Ministry of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms with the intention of establishing trust of North and South love among the young generation. The program was conducted for five days from 29 November 2023 to 03rd December 2023 at the University of Ruhuna.
The Inauguration ceremony of the exchange program commenced through the student’s registration, identification and general description of the program with the presence of key pillars namely; Prof.Sujeewa Amarasena, Senior Lecturer, Vice – Chancellor, University of Ruhuna, Prof.E.P.S.Chanana, Deputy Vice – Chancellor, University of Ruhuna, Y.Wichram, District Secretary, Matara, Dr. Suranjith Gunasekara, Director, Social Reconciliation Center, University of Ruhuna, Dr.Gayathri Wijesundara, Head, Department of Sociology, University of Ruhuna, Dr. Sanjaya Samaraweera, Head, Department of English Language, University of Ruhuna, Dr.Indi Akurugoda, Head, Department of Public Policy, University of Ruhuna, Mr.Deepthi Lamahewa, Director General, Office for National Unity and Reconciliation, Mrs.Sanduni Ariyawansa, Mr.Susantha Kumara, Mr.Sandun Lakmal, Deputy Directors, Office for National Unity and Reconciliation, Mrs.Dilicia and Ms.R.Priyanadhi, Lectures, University of Jaffna and Dr.Dhammmika Jayasinghe, Department of Sinhala, University of Ruhuna.
Tree Planting Campaign and Beach cleaning session were carried out respectively at Nilwala Park, University of Ruhuna and Wellamadama Beach with the intention of growing hope and changing society for a better future. The journey continued with visits to the breathtaking Blow Hole (Hummanaya) and Serene Dewndara Vishnu Kovil to collect its own story into our collective experience on Day 02 (2023.11.30). The day outstretched its pinnacle with the arrival of some agents of the USA Embassy of Sri Lanka to underscore the significance of our united efforts.
Further, to bridge the friendship of North and South Shramadana activities and cultural programs were carried out with the aim of coexistence through community dialogue in one of the villages in Matara on Day 03(2023.12.01)
In addition, on the theme of “Creating empathetic Heartiest Space” Chair Professor Premakumara De Silva, UGC Commission Member, Department of Sociology, University of Colombo delivered the keynote speech on the title of “Some sociological thoughts on cultural receptivity, tolerance and a peaceful future of Sri Lanka” at the Auditorium, Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences. Consequently, students of the University of Jaffna and Students University of Ruhuna performed their cultural events while recapturing previous experiences.
Finally, “Wings of Brotherhood” – Phase II succeeded in highlighting the importance of building a trustful society among young generations on Day 05.