Prof. (Ms). S. Ramesh
B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D. (Jaffna)
Senior Lecturer Gr. I
Ph.D Title:
A Contrastive Study of nominalization in Tamil and Sinhala
Ms. S. Srisatkunarajah
B.A.(Special) , M.Phil. (Jaffna)
Senior Lecturer Gr. I
Dr. Ms. C. C. A. Sivapalan
B.A , M.A. , M.Phil. , PhD.(Jaffna)
Senior Lecturer Gr. I
Ph.D Title:
Epic Protagonist (s); A Comparative Study of paradise lost and Mahabharata
Dr. Ms. V. M. S. Yogaratnam
B.A.(Literature) , M.A. , PhD.(Jaffna)
Senior Lecturer Gr. II
Ph.D Title:
Post modernism in the Select novels of Johe Fowles
Mr. S. Wimal
B.A.(Special) in Sinhala , M.Phil.(Jaffna)
Senior Lecturer Gr. I
Ms. K. Navakulan
B.A.(Special), M.A. (India)
Senior Lecturer Gr. II
Ms. S. Senthuran
B.A.(Hons), M.A.(Jaffna)
Lecturer (Prob)