B.A Hons History , M.Phil. , Ph.D
Senior Lecturer Gr. I
Message from the Head of the Department
It is great pleasure indeed for me to share some views on educational activities of Department of Education. A teacher is the focal point in an educational system. The educational policies emphasized that the teacher do have a crucial role to play in any educational system. It also stressed the importance of professional development of teachers. In an educational system, the teacher should have professional competency to uplift the younger generation.
In the present global scenario, education is not merely teaching languages, philosophies, tradition or issues. It needs to integrate all necessary aspects in education so as to meet the global challenges and opportunities.
Through these departmental activities we have to stress our educational models and schools of thoughts for exploring, exposing, developing and achieving the goals of education by making teacher education a living force for the future.
In this respect at present the Department of Education is conducting Post Graduate Diploma in Education Full time and Part time taught courses for the teacher-students, which comes under the stream of Arts faculty. Our Department staff is also fully involved in the Master of Education (M.Ed) Full time taught course, Master of Philosophy in Education (M.Phil)(Research based) and Doctor of Philosophy in Education(PhD) (Research based) provided by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Let us welcome and wish all in the teaching world to corporate in achieving our goals of education.
The vision of the Department of Education is to develop the needed professional competency of the teachers and academics to meet new challenges and opportunities.
The mission of the Department of Education is as follows:
Sharpening and refining the needed competency of teachers and improve entry to their profession.
– Prepare teacher professionals for service and ensure quality in education.
– Contribute constructively for curriculum designing and implementation.
– To help students community as well as society to understand and respond to all their responsibility in the field of education both social and economic.