1st Year
APHC 11013 – Introductions To Asian Philosophy
APHC 11023 – Logic And Critical Reasoning
APHC 12013 – Greek Philosophies (Early Greek To Medieval)
APHC 12023 – Introductions To Modern (Western) Philosophy
2nd Year
APHC 21013- Eastern Philosophy
APHC 21023- Modern Philosophy
APHC 21033- Contemporary Western Philosophy.
APHC 21043- Contemporary Indian Philosophy
APHC 22013- General Psychology
APHC 22023- Vedanta Philosophy
APHC 22033- Moral Philosophy
APHC 22043- Theory of Knowledge
APHE 21013- Existentialism
APHE 22013- Philosophy of Marxism
3rd Year
APHC 31013- Frankfort School and Later Developments
APHC 31023- Vedanta Philosophy
APHC 31033- Theory of Knowledge
APHC 31043- History of Ideas and Ideology
APHC 32013- Post-Modernism
APHC 32023- Moral Philosophy
APHC 32033- Philosophy and Analytical Psychology
APHC 32043- Philosophical Text analysis
APHE 31013- Pragmatism
APHE 31023- Gandhian Philosophy
APHE 32013- Religious Philosophy of the Tamils
4th Year
APHC 41013- Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art
APHC 41023- Positivism & Post Positivism
APHC 41033- Philosophy of Mind
APHC 41043- Philosophy of the Tamils
APHC 41053- Applied Ethics
APHC 42013- Philosophy of Religion
APHC 42023- South Asian mode of Thinking
APHC 42033- Philosophy of Culture
APHC 42046- Dissertation
1st Year
APYC 11013- Introduction To Psychology
APYC 11023- Schools Of Psychology
APYC 12013- Method Of Psychology
APYC 12023- Fields Of Psychology
2nd Year
APYC 21013- Sensation and Perception
APYC 21023- Developmental Psychology
APYC 21033- Physiological Psychology
APYC 21043- Cognitive Psychology
APYC 22013- Motivation and Emotion
APYC 22023- Personality Psychology
APYC 22033- Social Psychology
APYC 22043- Gender and Behaviour
APYE 21013- Stress and Coping
APYE 21023- Child Psychology
APYE 22013- Psychology of Adjustment
APYE 22023- Psycho Social Problems in the Tamil Society
3rd Year
APYC 31013- Personality Development and Disorders
APYC 31023- Psychopathology
APYC 31033- Environmental Psychology
APYC 31043- Health Psychology
APYC 32013- Theories of Psychotherapy
APYC 32023- Psychology of Adjustment
APYC 32033- Sexual Deviations and Disorders
APYC 32043- Educational Psychology
APYE 31013- Gender and Behavior
APYE 32013- Industrial Psychology
4th Year
APYC 41013- Psychology of Human Resources Management (HRM)
APYC 41023- Psychology of Consumer Behavior and Marketing
APYC 41033- Psychology of Selection and Training
APYC 41043- Industrial Relation Labour Welfare
APYC 41053- Community Guidance (Field Work)
APYC 42013- Psycho Social Problems in the Tamil Society
APYC 42023- Psychotherapy – Problems and Techniques
APYC 42033- Applied Counseling Psychology
APYC 42046- Dissertation